Bufab’s Nomination Committee appointed
The following members have, in accordance with the procedure adopted by the Annual General Meeting, been appointed to the Bufab AB Nomination Committee.
- Fredrik Liljedahl, (Chairman of the Nomination Committee), appointed by Liljedahl Group
- Per Trygg, appointed by Lannebo Fonder
- Oscar Bergman, appointed by Swedbank Robur Fonder
- Johan Sjöström, appointed by Andra AP-fonden
- Bengt Liljedahl, Chairman of the Board
The Nomination Committee is assigned with the task of presenting to the Annual General Meeting 2025 proposals concerning, among other things, election of the members of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Board of Directors and auditors, as well as fees to the Board members and auditors.
Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee, may do so by e-mail to valberedning@bufab.com no later than January 31, 2025 or by ordinary mail to the following address:
Att: Valberedningen
Bufab AB
Box 2266
331 02 Värnamo
The Annual General Meeting in Bufab AB will be held on Thursday 24
Bufab acquires VITAL – a leading Italian C-parts distributor
Bufab has acquired VITAL S.p.A., a leading Italian distributor of C-parts with net sales of EUR 48 million in 2023.
Pronect acquires Plamako and Plamex
Pronect AB announces the acquisition of Plamako i Anderstorp AB and Plamex Automation AB.